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Appalachian Spring by Aaron Copland - Performed by APO & NWA Ballet

Appalachian Spring

Composed by Aaron Copland

Performed by Arkansas Philharmonic Orchestra & NWA Ballet Theatre 

Choreographer, Executive Director and Artistic Director of the NWA Ballet Theatre

David Justin 

Arkansas Philharmonic Orchestra 


Conductor and Artistic Director

Steven Byess


Executive Director

Jason MIller


Orchestra Tech Manager 

Peter Hamby


Guillermo Roa



Er-Gene Kahng


Andrew Chu, violin

Atticus Mulkey, violin

Robin Sumpter, violin

Julianna Byess, violin

Anne Pequeño, violin

Greta Lane, violin

Raul Mungia, viola

Grace Clark, viola

David Gerstein, cello

Jayne Jostad, cello

Jerry Lane, double bass

Denissa Rivas Mungia, flute


Nophachai Cholthitchanta, clarinet

Richard Bobo, bassoon

Tomoko Kashiwagi, piano


NWA Ballet Theatre



David Justin and Company


Rehearsal Director

Courtney Mazeika


Company Manager

Thalia Madewell


Company Dancers

Mariah Bordovsky

Jonathan Carter

Carmen Felder

Lily Hill

Samantha Huebner

Leo McGrath

Katie Pilone

Justin Rainey


Artists In Residence

Jarod Curley

Léa Fleytoux


Set Design and Construction

Troy and Jenny Jacobs



David Justin



Margie Bordovsky



Jeremy Duckworth and Miguel Palacios


Video Production

Bod High Productions


Video Editing

Peter Hamby


Directed by

David Justin


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